* g4gcal_addAttendee - Add Attendee to Calendar Event *
* *
* Input: *
* in_email (required) - The email address of the attendee. *
* in_name (required) - The name of the attendee. *
* *
* Output: *
* out_errMsg - The error message (if error exists). *
* *
* Returns: *
* -1 for error, 0 for no error. *
* *
D g4gcal_addAttendee...
D PR 10i 0
D in_email 256 Value
D in_name 256 Value
D out_errMsg 256
g4gcal_addAttendee is used to add attendees to the event to be created. This can be called multiple times prior to calling the Create Event subprocedure.
Returns: total number of attendees for success, -1 for error.
Required Parameters:
Attendee Email Address (input) - The email address of the attendee you wish to add to the list.
Attendee Name (input) - The name of the attendee you wish to add to the list.
Error Message (output) - Error message