Chapter 7 - OBJTOOL Option Files
The OBJTOOL application contains two physical files that are used to store system and user commands. System commands are those commands 1-99 that are displayed on the work screens. User commands are those command that are created using F16 in the OBJTOOL application.
The System commands in OBJTOOL are created by the writers of the software. These options are stored in the OBJSCMDPF physical file.
The file layout of the OBJSCMDPF and OBJCMDPF files are identical. They are uniquely keyed by User, Type, Attribute and Command ID.
The User ID field of the OBJSCMDPF file should always be *ALL. This means that the option is available to all users.
These options are used for normal options 1-99, such as 5=View, or 14=Compile. You should feel free to tweak these options as you may using the Update Data (UPDDTA) command. But remember when you update your version of OBJTOOL, your changes will be lost.
If you make changes to this file that you feel are for the benifit of the application, feel free to contact us and let us know of the changes you made. We may possibly incorporate the changes into another version of OBJTOOL.
When the system is searching for a match for an option, the user file is searched first, followed by the system file.
The user commands in OBJTOOL are created by the users of the tools. These options are stored in the OBJCMDPF physical file.
The file layout of the OBJSCMDPF and OBJCMDPF files are identical. They are uniquely keyed by User, Type, Attribute and Command ID.
These options are created by users for users. The User ID field of the OBJCMDPF file should be the user that created the option. Creating options should always be done using the F16 option from one of the OBJTOOL displays.
Should you wish to create a user option that is availble to all users, you can use Update Data (UPDDTA) and specify *ALL for the User ID field.
When updating OBJTOOL versions, the instructions will tell you how to restore your user options.
The File Fields
Both the System and User option files have the same file layout. Following is the file description for the OBJSCMD1 logical file showing the keys and layout of both files.
12/13/03 List File Field Description (LSTFFD) TS400
17:35:41 BVSTONE
File Name . . . . OBJSCMD1 Based on File . . . . OBJSCMDPF
Library . . . . OBJTOOL Based on Library . . . OBJTOOL
Format Descr . .
Format Name . . . ROBJCMD
File Type . . . . LF Unique Keys - Y
Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
OCUSER A 1 10 K01 User ID
OCTYPE A 11 10 K02 Object Type
OCATT A 21 10 K03 Object Attribute
OCCMDID A 31 2 K04 Command ID
OCCMD A 33 256 Command
F3=Exit F5=Clear F6=Print F7=Search By Field F8=Search By Description
F9=Display Database Relations F24=More Keys
- User ID - The User ID field is used to specify the user that the command is for. Specify *ALL for the command to be available to all users.
- Object Type - The type field should be the object type or member type as shown in the Display [object/member] Description command. For example, a save file should have a type of *FILE, and a binding directory should be a type of *BNDDIR. For members, an RPGLE program would have a type of RPGLE and a CLP program would have a type of CLP. Specify *ALL for the command to be applied to all types.
- Object Attribute - The attribute field should contain the object attribute to apply the command to. For example, a Save File would have an attibute of SAVF, and a source physical file would have an attribute of PF-SRC. When working with members, if the member is a member of a source physical file, the attribute should be specified as PF-SRCM. When working with members of a data file, the attribute should be PF-DTAM. Specify the value *ALL for the command to be applied to all attributes.
- Command ID - The command ID is option that will be used on the OBJTOOL screens next to an entry in the list. The command will be performed on the selected entry in the list.
- Command - The command is the actual command that will be executed. The replacement characters should be specified in their correct positions.