* g4msod_getItemID - Retrieve a file/folder item ID *
* *
* Output: *
* out_errMsg - The error message (if error exists). *
* *
* Returns: *
* *ERR for error, Item ID *
* *
* Settable Variables ([r]=required) *
* id - MS ID [r] *
* path - The fully qualified name of the file or folder to *
* search for (case sensitive). If you wish to retrieve *
* the ID of the root folder, specify the special value of *
* *ROOT. [r] *
* group_id - Specify the group ID get an item ID for. *
* group_name - Specify the group Name to get an item ID for. *
* ccsid - The CCSID to use (1252) *
* debug - Turn on Debug (*NO, *YES) *
* debug_file - The debug file name. *
* (/tmp/g4ms_[id]_getItemIDDebug.txt) *
* *
D g4msod_getItemID...
D PR 256
D out_errMsg 256 Options(*NOPASS)
g4msod_getItemID will return the unique ID for the item specified.
Returns: *ERR for err, the ID for success.
Optional Parameters:
Error Message (output) - Error message
Settable Variables (use #g4msod_setValue):
id (required) - Your Microsoft ID
path - The fully qualified path to the item you wish to retrieve the ID for
ie: /my Documents/Files/test.pdf
This parameter IS case sensitive.
group_id - Specify the group ID to get an item ID for.
group_name - Specify the group name to get an item ID for. This will be ignored if the group_id is specified.
ccsid - The CCSID to use. The default is 1252.
debug - Specify *YES to turn on debug, or *NO to turn off debug. The default is *NO.
debug_file - Specify the fully qualified file name for the main debug file. The default is /tmp/g4ms_[id]_getItemIDDebug.txt.[n] where [id] is the Microsoft ID and [n] is the request index.