

* g4ms_refreshToken - Refresh the token *

* *

* Output: *

* Out_errMsg - The error message (if error exists). *

* Out_newToken - The new OAuth 2.0 token. *

* *

* Returns: *

* -1 for error, 0 for success *

* *

* Input Variables ([r]=required) *

* In_id - MS ID [r] *

* In_service - Service Name [r] *

* In_ccsid - The CCSID to use (1208) *

* In_debug - Turn on Debug (*NO, *YES) *

* In_debugFile - The debug file name. *

* *


D #g4ms_refreshToken...

D PR 10i 0

D In_id 256 Value

D In_service 64 Value

D Out_newToken 4096

D Out_errorMsg 256

D In_ccsid 7 0 Value Options(*NOPASS)

D In_debug 4 Value Options(*NOPASS)

D In_debugFile 256 Value Options(*NOPASS)

g4ms_refreshToken will attempt to refresh the token for an account/service. If a refresh is not needed (within 60 seconds of the token expiration) the original token will be returned.

Returns: 0 for successful creation, -1 for error.

Input Parameters:

  • In_id - The Microsoft ID to refresh to the token for. (required)

  • In_service - The service (as set up in the G4MSSVCPF file) to refresh the token for. (required)

  • In_ccsid - The CCSID to use. Defaults to 1208.

  • In_debug - Turn debug on (*YES) or off (*NO). Default is *NO.

  • In_debugFile - The name of the debug file to use. If not specified, the default of /tmp/g4ms_refreshToken.<id>.refreshToken will be used where <id> is a unique ID generated by G4MS.

Output Parameters:

  • Out_newToken - The new token, if required. Otherwise the current token will be returned.