

* g4msmail_sendMailMime - Send Email Using Mime File *

* *

* Output: *

* out_uniqueID - A unique ID associated with this email. *

* out_errMsg - The error message (if error exists). *

* *

* Returns: *

* -1 for error, 0 for success. *

* *

* Settable Variables ([r]=required) *

* id - MS ID [r] *

* sendmail_mime_file - Specify the fully qualified path *

* to the MIME file to use. *

* unique_ID - A unique ID to assign to the email. If this *

* is not set it will be automatically created *

* and returned in the out_uniqueID output parm *

* reset - Reset Values when Done (*YES) *

* ccsid - The CCSID to use (1208) *

* debug - Turn on Debug (*NO, *YES) *

* debug_file - The debug file name. *

* (/tmp/g4ms_[id]_sendMailMime.txt) *

* *


D g4msmail_sendMailMime...

D PR 10i 0

D out_uniqueID 24 Options(*NOPASS)

D out_errMsg 256 Options(*NOPASS)

g4msmail_sendMimeMail is used to send an email with a pre-created MIME file. This is useful if you are switching from an application that already builds the mail and you are looking for a new way to deliver the email.

As of now, Microsoft limits the email sizes using this method to 4MB, but we hope they will be changing this soon.

Returns: 0 for success, -1 for error.

Settable Values:

  • id (required) - Specify the ID of the Microsoft Office 365 account

  • sendmail_mime_file - The fully qualified path to the MIME file that you will use to send an email.

  • unique_ID - Specify an ID to use for this email. If one is not provided one will be generated.